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Ссылки на сайты по изучению иностранных языков
- Английская школа Елены Джонсон http://englishschool12.ru
- Английский для детей http://englishforkids.ru
- Английский для начинающих http://english-easy.info
- Английский язык из первых рук http://efl.ru
- Английский язык на HomeEnglish.ru http://homeenglish.ru
- Бесплатные мобильные приложения http://www.busuu.com/ru
- Всё для тех, кому нужен английский язык http://study.ru
- Всё о TOEFL http://toefl.ru
- Всем, кто учится http://alleng.ru
- Изучение языков и языковой обмен http://lang-8.com/
- Лучшее место для изучения и практики английского языка http://lingualeo.ru
- Обзор сайтов для изучения английского языка http://english100.ru/obzory/obzor-poleznyx-sajtov.html
- Открытые уроки английского языка http://englishtips.org
- Anglo-Link http://www.anglo-link.com
- Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy http://ankisrs.net/
- English as a Second Language Podcast http://eslpod.com
- English Central http://www.englishcentral.com
- English Exercises http://englishexercises.org
- English training, first certificate, business english & online english courses http://autoenglish.org
- Everyday Dialogues http://esllibrary.weebly.com/everyday-dialogues.html
- Founder Stories - Founders discuss their successful startups with Mike Abbott http://techcrunch.com/video/founder-stories/
- Free Online Language Learning http://livemocha.com
- Global Briefing http://monocle.com
- Hundreds of free exercises to learn English online http://agendaweb.org
- Learn American English Online! http://learnamericanenglishonline.com
- Learn English for Free with elllo! http://elllo.org
- Learn English with Pictures and Audio http://my-english-dictionary.com
- Learn vocabulary, languages, history, science, trivia and just about anything else http://www.memrise.com
- Listen to radio shows and podcasts on demand, create custom stations, get personalized recommendations & always be up to date http://www.stitcher.com/
- Merriam-Webster has been America's leading and most-trusted provider of language information http://www.merriam-webster.com/
- NBC | Saturday Night Live | Late Night Comedy & Full episodes http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/
- Nerdist Podcast http://www.nerdist.com/podcast/nerdist/
- Nobuna - Free English Listening Exercises http://www.nobuna.com/
- Perfect English Grammar http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com
- Podcast - Technology, Gadget, Science & Culture Podcast (Wired UK) http://www.wired.co.uk/podcast
- Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner: Podcasts http://ecorner.stanford.edu/podcasts.html
- The Guardian Tech Weekly Podcast http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/series/techweekly
- The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities http://britishcouncil.org/learnenglish
- Wall Street Journal Podcasts http://online.wsj.com/public/page/podcast.html
- YouTube Alexander Arguelles http://www.youtube.com/user/ProfASAr
- YouTube Anglo-Link http://www.youtube.com/user/MinooAngloLink?feature=watch
- YouTube collolearn http://www.youtube.com/user/collolearn
- YouTube JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesESL
- YouTube loki2504 http://www.youtube.com/user/loki2504